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Inverallan Church groups

Church & Community Working Group

How we, as a church community, can bring the love of God to the wider community in which we live. Click HERE to read about what we do, and how you might join us doing it.


Volunteers are sought to help set up for services, to do minor repairs and maintenance, and to be part of the inspection team which, once a year, inspects the church, hall and manse for maintenance requirements. 

Church transport

Volunteers from the congregation drive those who have difficulty getting to Church.

Messy Church


Alternative worship for all ages; craft activities for children, communal worship and a fellowship meal.

Messy Church is an activity which is shared with St Columba's Episcopal Church.  At present we are thinking and praying about when we next meet.  Please keep an eye open for notices around town and on the church noticeboard advertising dates, times and venue for Messy Church sessions.

Readers in Church

There is a group of Church members who take it in turn to read the Gospel (chosen by the Minister) during the Service of Worship.

Christian Aid fundraising

Our Church supports Christian Aid with a soup & sandwich lunch and also other collections.

20/20 Fundraising

Fundraising efforts to adapt our lovely church building to provide a wide range of church and community uses.

Would you like to join us?  Get in touch...

Thank you for your interest in joining a group. One of our members will get back to you as soon as possible!

Strathspey Kirks

Read our privacy notice.  

© 2020

Cromdale & Advie Parish Church - Scottish Charity SC002884

Grantown & Dulnain Bridge Parish Church - Scottish Charity  SC010001

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