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Grantown-on-Spey and Dulnain Bridge Church and Community Working Group

 We are excited!!


We have so many ideas for our church community to get together and to bring the love of God to this community and further afield.  


You probably know that we try and serve Fairtrade refreshments at church events (have signed up to be an Eco Church). We plan to look at ways in which we can have more Fairtrade within the church, and possibly have a small stall occasionally. (Remember Coop ’s own coffee and tea is Fairtrade as is all their own chocolate and bananas).


As an Eco Church,  from this week we will have our own collection point at Sunday Worship for used empty medication blister packs, and we already have a volunteer to take these to the collection point at the vets in Grantown. (No tablets or capsules left in them)


Each year we have one or two collections for the Food Table in Grantown (they are part of the Strathspey Food Bank, based in Aviemore) . This year they were fortunate enough to get a grant from Tesco to cover the Christmas treats, but we managed to collect a huge amount for them at our Harvest service. We hope to have a regular collection once a month within the church for the Food Table. Apart from dried goods it also needs toiletries and household goods. It lets people know that in the bad times there are those who care. Can anyone help with taking our (probably) monthly collection to the Coop or the food table? We can all do our part regularly by depositing non-perishable goods into their collection container in our Co-op.


Many people are not aware that we provide the church meeting room for both AA and Alanon every week, and most will be aware that we open the church over spring, summer, and autumn for visitors and locals to come and have a time of quiet and contemplation. We are currently thinking about what we can provide for those folk who venture inside our beautiful church. Please let us know by speaking to us or using the suggestion box.  


We also hope to update our welcome pack soon to help introduce people to the church.


The church hall is open for vaccination clinics, Rainbows, Brownies, Ladies Badminton, Dance and Art Classes, and the occasional children’s birthday party. It is beginning to be so busy that we are struggling to find a time for a possible evening discussion group (watch this space!!).  


There is plenty more that we do - Knit and Knatter in Woodside Court, which is open to all, knitter or not, church member or not; used Stamp Collection; premature baby knitted hats; providing a working team /  baking team for the community café in the YMCA on Fridays..


So, how can you be part of sharing God’s love to our community?  


Firstly, be aware of what we do as a church community and be able to direct folk to any of these activities.  


Secondly, come along and join in.


Thirdly, get involved - can you wash up? Organise a rota? Type up some notices? Chat to people? Knit? Distribute notices around the shops? Bake? Smile at the world?  


Finally, and hot off the press - Keep Good Friday free!  


We hope to have an ecumenical event on Good Friday - carrying a cross the length of the High Street, stopping at various places for a reading or song and finishing with Hot Cross Buns. Details have yet to be finalised, but do try and come to all or part of the event.  


Aileen and Sally (Conveners of Grantown and Dulnain Church and Community Group) 

Strathspey Kirks

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© 2020

Cromdale & Advie Parish Church - Scottish Charity SC002884

Grantown & Dulnain Bridge Parish Church - Scottish Charity  SC010001

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