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From the Manse: A Thought for the Week

Sunday 2nd March 2025


Dear Friends,

What a beautiful time of year this is! The nights are growing shorter, the days are stretching longer, and the first signs of spring are beginning to appear. Snowdrops and crocuses push through the earth, reminding us that new life is unfolding all around us.

At this time of year, there is a sense of hope in the air—hope for the changing seasons, for the warmth and light that spring and summer will bring. And I pray that same hope is felt within our church: hope for the future, courage for what we as individuals can offer in service of the church, and for what the church, in turn, can offer to the community we serve.

1 Peter 4:10 reminds us:
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

As followers of Christ, we are called not only to worship but also to serve—both within our church family and in the wider community. Our faith is not just about what we believe; it is about how we live, how we love, and how we give of ourselves for the sake of others.

Jesus Himself gave us the ultimate example of service. He knelt to wash His disciples’ feet, fed the hungry, healed the sick, welcomed the outcast, and ultimately gave His life for us all. His life was one of selfless love, showing us that true greatness is found in humility and service.

But what does this mean for us, here and now? How are you being called to serve?

Service doesn’t always look grand or extraordinary. It is found in the small, faithful acts of love that shape our daily lives. It might be offering a listening ear to someone who is struggling, volunteering your time at church, or simply praying for those who are hurting. It might mean giving your time to the support and running of one of the existing groups in the church or sharing your singing gifts in worship (for, trust me, your minister has no talents in this area and help is always welcome!). Or maybe God is nudging you in a completely new direction—something the church has not even thought about yet. If that is the case, then please speak up and share where God is calling you and where He might be calling us as a church to go.

I know that sometimes, we hesitate. We may feel unqualified, too busy, or unsure of what we have to offer. But remember: God does not call the equipped—He equips the called. And we are all called. No gift is too small, no act of kindness too insignificant.

Remember the church is not just a building; it is the hands and feet of Christ in the world. And each one of us has a role to play. When we step forward in service, we not only strengthen the church—we bless the wider community. A church that serves is a church that shines the light of Christ, bringing hope where there is despair, comfort where there is loneliness, and joy where there is sorrow.

So this week, I invite you to reflect:

  • What gifts has God given you that you can use in His service?

  • What is one small way you can offer your time or talents to build up the church?

  • How might God be calling you to serve the community around you?

Let us pray for open hearts, willing hands, and the courage to step forward in faith. And may we always remember that in serving others, we are serving Christ Himself.


Rev Jade

Strathspey Kirks

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Cromdale & Advie Parish Church - Scottish Charity SC002884

Grantown & Dulnain Bridge Parish Church - Scottish Charity  SC010001

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