At Cromdale Church we currently hold various activities and events as part of our misson and outreach to our community
Rhymetime for details of dates etc, or see "What's on" calendar
Rhymetime is held between 10:30 – 11:30 on Wednesday mornings during term time.
Have you heard of Rhymetime each week
For children under five and their adults both we seek
To join in all the fun, singing songs, it's quite a hoot...
With drums and shakers, cuddly toys, bells and parachute.
And at the end when all are sung and it is time to play...
There's coffee for the adults, please come on Wednesday.
Followed by snacks for children and refreshments for adults.
These sessions are open to parents/carers, children under 5 and expectant mums.
Children are encouraged to borrow books to take home and share.
Easter egg hunt
Teddy bears Picnic
Craft and Chat
Craft and Chat is held the 1st Wednesday of the month throughout the year between 2 – 4pm
Come along and meet others, bring a project or just yourself.
Followed by refreshments.
Singalong is held the 2nd Wednesday of the month throughout the year between 2 – 4pm.
Come and sing for fun and health, no ability needed.
Followed by refreshments.
Walk for Health
Cromdale Walk for Health, organised by Cairngorm National Park meets at Cromdale Church on a Thursday morning at 10:30.
An hour long local walk to support your health.
Open Afternoons
From October to May the Church is open on the 1st 1nd 2nd Wednesday of the month between 2pm – 4pm
From June to September the Church is open every Wednesday afternoon 2pm – 4pm
Community Garden
Make your way to the riverbank and enjoy the peace of our Community Garden
Visit during the year to enjoy the different seasons.